Should You Check if a Potential Hire is on the Sex Offender Registry?

Sex Offender Registry Search Buffalo New York

Your company is getting ready to hire a new employee Buffalo, NY. Do you have to check if your candidate is on the sex offender registry? Although not necessarily required by law, running a comprehensive background check and a sex offender registry search is the best policy. 

Why Should I Check If a Potential Hire Is on the Sex Offender Registry? 

  • Keep Everyone Safe
    When an employee has a history of dangerous or violent behavior, companies have a responsibility to keep them away from potential victims. And some jobs, including teachers, health care workers, and drivers, have an unacceptable level of risk. Organizations hiring for these types of positions should automatically mandate sex offender registry searches.   
  • Exercise Due Diligence
    Although regulations vary by state and by industry, many occupations require background checks. Even when screening is not mandatory, your company still can be liable if you knew or should have known an employee was a threat. In other words, taking the time to run a simple background check can help to prevent not only avoidable tragedies but also costly litigation. 
  • Don’t Be Taken by Surprise
    Passed in 1994, Megan’s Law allows anyone to search their state’s Public Registry of Sex Offenders. If your business doesn’t bother to screen your potential hires, you may end up finding out about a problem employee from someone else. This situation will be both embarrassing and reputation damaging.     

How Do I Run Sex Offender Registry Searches? 

Each state provides its own Megan’s Law website. Simply search online for sex offender registry [state name]Keep in mind, offenders may move from one state to another and fail to re-register. Therefore, someone may show up on Pennsylvania’s registry but not on New York’s. To receive the most complete information, partner with a background screening provider. They will check across state registries as well as national databases.      

What Should I Do If a Candidate Is Listed as a Sex Offender? 

Your first instinct may be to immediately remove the candidate from consideration. However, proceed with caution. Some states, including California and New York, prohibit or restrict the use of the state’s sex offender registry for employment purposes. And, if your company is working with a third-party vendor, the Fair Credit Reporting Act requires you to inform the candidate there was a problem with their background check. If you’re not sure how to proceed, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) recommends you avoid knee-jerk reactions and first consult with your attorney.    

Are to Looking to Partner with a Reliable Background Screening Company? 

Metrodata Services, Inc. offers employee background checks in Buffalo, NY and beyond. We provide numerous screening services including sex offender registry and criminal record searches. Let us use our expertise to help you make the best possible hiring decisions. Learn more about working with us today!  

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